Artist's canvas for fine art giclée, or simply banners out of canvas.

Nowadays you can get inkjet printable canvas in countless variations stretchable fine art canvas matte,
artist canvas glossy, artist canvas smooth, white canvas artificial canvas patterned paper, and more

The FLAAR wide format printer evaluation facilities moved in August 2002 from the Technology Building to a larger new facility directly adjacent to the large art department on our campus. So we will be experimented with a great variety of canvas for our Epson, HP 5000, two ColorSpan, and Mimaki JV4 printers.

So check back later this year for updates on inkjet canvas.

It is so much easier to present documentation in PDF format, rather than on short web-site pages. Thus all the full-length FLAAR reports on inkjet media are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format for easy download via e-mail.

For discussion of which tradeshows, conferences, and seminars cover inkjet textiles including canvas, ask for "FLAAR Report on Tradeshows and Conferences"

For more information on pros and cons of each printer type for printing inkjet textiles including canvas, ask for "FLAAR Report on Inkjet Textile Printers"

For a comprehensive listing of inkjet textiles, fabrics and all the varied kinds of canvas you can print onto, we will have "FLAAR Report on Inkjet Textile Materials" shortly (all the other reports are already available).

If you wish to learn more about inkjet media, FLAAR offers the following reports.

  • Standards for evaluation of inkjet media
  • Inkjet media for photo-realistic and fine art giclée quality
  • Inkjet media for signs, posters, banners,
  • RIPs (the software you need to handle the inks and media)
  • Inks and colorants (rather handy to know about inks if you wish to print on your inkjet media)
  • Color Management, FLAAR Fast Facts (you need color management awareness to get your RIP to work with your inks to produce the colors you desire on your media).

All these FLAAR Reports by Nicholas Hellmuth will be available shortly on www.wide-format-printers.NET. This dot.NET site is new in the FLAAR network.

Nicholas Hellmuth reviewing tara media
Nicholas Hellmuth getting ready to review incoming artist's canvas from Tara and Fredrix. The boxes to the left are because the same week FLAAR also received three monitors to be evaluated from US Electronics.

In the background, strobe lighting from Elinchrome, Switzerland, part of a sophisticated digital photography studio sent by Bogen Photo to FLAAR to be evaluated. Behind Nicholas is a special room enclosing the Cruse scanner, a $97,000 digital reprographic camera sent from Germany for Dr Hellmuth to review.

Over 250,000 individuals and companies read during calendar year 2002. Another quarter of a million buyers of digital imaging equipment will read this web site this year (2003). So our staff keep busy providing you with product evaluations based on actual factual reporting from our own laboratory.



Most recently updated Aug. 14, 2002.